First week of free English conversation courses; free lessons in December, January and February with GSE
It has been a very fruitful and successful week for students taking English language courses with Gateway School of English GSE in Malta. All GSE students benefited from 10 free lessons of conversation/speaking classes which were held after the General English lessons between 1pm and 2:30pm. We had 5 different groups ranging from Beginner to Advanced level, and students were placed in their respective groups according to their individual level of English.
Students also enjoyed a balanced mix of nationalities in the conversation classes as we currently have many different nationalities learning English with us; students from Latin America, Japan, Vietnam, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Switzerland and Mauritius to name a few.
GSE teachers came up with interesting topics for discussion that engaged students in conversations about the role of social media in today’s society and how social media platforms are changing the way people communicate with each other. Another topic included happiness which the teacher introduced by presenting a TED Talk video on the subject, leading students to brainstorm ideas on what makes for true happiness so they could better express their opinions on such a universally interesting and relevant question.
Keeping fit and healthy was also on the list of topics discussed this week, and students debated the importance of living a healthy life and the practice of workers taking lunch breaks at work, while learning different idiomatic expressions related to health and lifestyle. Students also expressed their thoughts on online dating and participated in problem-solving activities, with some groups presenting a topic-related problem/scenario (using the right descriptive vocabulary and grammar tenses), while their classmates had to come up with different possible solutions. This, of course, involved plenty of student-student interaction and helped students exercise their communicative abilities while practising their language knowledge.
English Conversation groups were also smaller in size than the morning groups, meaning that all students could get their fair share of speaking practice and attention from the teacher, without the teacher needing to rush the process from one student to another just to make sure everyone gets an equal turn.
The free English conversation classes will continue all through the next three months and students booking a General English course will automatically receive an upgrade to 30 lessons per week, getting 10 free lessons per week. We would like to encourage as many students as possible to visit Malta during the winter months, not only to improve their English speaking skills in smaller groups and mix with students of different nationalities, but to see the Maltese islands in all their wintry glory. Winter in Malta is an opportunity to enjoy bright green countryside, deep blue seas and clear sunny skies – the perfect conditions for postcard photos. So pack your cameras and buy your cheapest flight tickets to Malta for an English language learning experience to remember!
Curso de inglés en Malta en invierno
Intercâmbio Curso de inglês em Malta no inverno
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Vacanza studio e corso di inglese a Malta in inverno
Anglų kalbos kursai Maltoje žiemą
Kurs angielskiego na Malcie zimą
Kurz angličtiny na Maltě v zimě
Курс английского на Мальте зимой
Engleski tečaj na Malti zimi
Engleski kurs na Malti u zimskom periodu
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