Football tournament between English schools

The English language teaching council together with AudioVisual Company Limited, suppliers of course books and classroom technology in Malta, organised and sponsored the first ever English languge schools’ tournament last weekend. Schools represented by their best student football players competed against each other to win the tournament cup, first at group stage level, divided into two groups and then the best teams competing at semi-final and the winners of each semifinal eventually playing the final between the two best teams.
GSE players gave their utmost in this tournament and played with their hearts winning the top third position in the tournament and only losing the semifinal in a penalty shoot out. It was a thrilling match with Gateway scoring two goals to keep the match alive and forcing it into a penaly shoot out to decide the finalist of the tournament.
A few days before the tournament 10 players that had to to represent the school were chosen from among 20 players who had applied to join the school’s team. They underwent training at San Gwann FC and were selected by a professional coach according to their football abilities.
The football tournament held last Sunday at Luxol Football grounds proved to be a big success, very well organised and competitive. All the participants were students currently learning English in Malta with their respective schools and representing them doing their best to win each and every match.
We take this opportunity to congratulate all the team members of Gateway School of English GSE and supporters who participated in the tournament last Sunday.
Below are some photos of this amazing event.
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