English Level Placement Test
Take our comprehensive online placement test to get an accurate reading of your English language proficiency level before you make the trip to Malta. The test is not an exam and you are not expected to know all the answers, so only do what you can understand. It should not take you more than 1 hour / 1 hour 15 minutes.
Please click on the following link to access the GSE online placement test:
IMPORTANT: Do not use any external help from a friend or online resources like dictionaries or translators, because your result will not reflect your true level, and you will not be comfortable in the group in which you are placed. The aim is to be in a class that you find both challenging and enjoyable at the same time, so make sure that what you do in the test is what you actually know.
PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE YOUR BROWSER WINDOW AFTER CLICKING THE SUBMIT BUTTON UNTIL YOU GET THIS MESSAGE: Thanks for completing the placement test. We look forward to seeing you at Gateway School of English GSE.